August 24, 2021
OKR Methodology | Importance of Internal OKR Review Meetings
Conducting effective internal meetings can be tedious: employees may drift from the main topics, waste time discussing less important things, or end sessions without results. As per the research by Harvard, 71% of corporate managers said that meetings are unproductive and 62% said meetings fail to connect the team[1]. Such inefficient meetings may impact the business too, and this is where OKR methodology can help. OKRs successfully builds an agile system where employees can engage, connect, and focus on the same goals while remaining inspired and productive.
Managers organize team meetings on a monthly or quarterly basis. Rather than creating a new discussion, they can utilize OKRs to conduct frequent meetings to measure employees’ progress and improve engagement. While adopting the OKR methodology, there is no need to wait until the end of the quarter or year to review progress and track engagement. Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly check-ins can be conducted to discuss the high-priority goals, reducing the gap between the goals that are falling short and expected results.
Also Read: How does OKR Methodology Boost Salesforce Performance & Business Efficiency?
Key aspects that can make internal review meetings more effective with OKRs include:
1. Keeping Important Goals on ‘top of mind’
Everyone has their busy work schedules. If employees can sit and collaborate at the beginning of a quarter, it may be helpful to define shared goals and align everyone towards the most important goals. This also helps empathize and move each team member in the same direction, resulting in higher engagement, improved focus, and better alignment.
2. Having a Clear Agenda
The recurring review meetings that occur weekly or bi-weekly must follow a clear agenda so that everyone knows what results are expected at the end of the quarter or year. The meeting agenda must revolve around the last meeting’s discussion, OKR progress, goals to be achieved, new strategies, and decisions to be taken. This enables organizations and their employees to work on common goals focus on what matters the most to unlock success.
Also read: OKR Methodology for Remote Workforce: How is it Important?
3. Coming Prepared for the OKR Meeting
Employees must not waste their time updating OKRs during review meetings. Instead, they should come prepared for the meeting to track their overall goal achievements and measure the success rate of the most important goals. The time must be invested in discussing future vision- focusing on the changing business priorities and updating OKRs to reduce the gap between strategy and execution.
4. Boosting Employee Engagement
Employees making progress and getting valuable feedback from their supervisors during OKR review meetings feel more engaged and motivated. Frequent review meetings create a sense of purpose and define metrics to assess overall OKR progress. OKR methodology enables employees to understand how their roles contribute to the business vision and strategy.
If implemented rightly, the OKR methodology can help make internal review meetings more engaging, effective, and focused. If your organization conducts periodic OKR review meetings, following the above-discussed aspects can help your teams stay aligned, motivated, and productive. Do you need further guidance on making review meetings more effective and get the best results with successful OKR implementation? Connect with our OKR Coaches who can help unlock your business success.
Unlock:OKR is an effective goal-setting tool that helps set shared goals, track progress, and measure improved outcomes. If you want to know about the incredible superpowers of Unlock:OKR and how the tool helps unlock your business potential, book a free demo.